Richard McCaslin aka the Phantom Patriot has released a new comic book that he has written and illustrated titled RLSH Team Up #1. The comic stars himself and San Francisco RLSHs Motor-Mouth and Mutinous Angel in a fictional storyline, inspired by the meet up the three had for a protest of the Bohemian Club in January. I was there to witness the protest (see entry HERE ) and am also mentioned (along with Heroes in the Night) in the comic.
You can get a copy by sending a SASE 6x9 with 2 stamps, 1 copy per request. To also get a copy of McCaslin's last comic, Phantom Patriot, include 1.40 worth of postage on the SASE and send to:
Richard McCaslin PO Box 7450 Las Vegas , NV 89125 .
"Any orders I get before June 1st will be handled immediately," McCaslin says. "Any orders sent in the month of June won't be handled until July."
I can't help but notice how much more muscular they are on paper...